Castor sat alone. The round bright red and white checked tablecloth seemed to dull the nearer it reached in his direction. Three seats sat empty across from him.
He looked how a man would look if he had never bathed, washed, cleaned, scrubbed or brushed since birth. The colour of his skin was indeterminable as it was mostly covered in filth, weaping scabs and boils. His clothes were hung on his thin frame rather than worn. They too suffered a severe lack of cleanliness and had taken threadbare to the next level. Moss grew over the pockets. The only two points that could be considered bright were his eyes, which stared with an intense ferocity as if trying to bore a hole through the fabric of reality.
Grime encrusted fingers, positioned on either side, increased pressure around the yellow and brown puss-filled boil. Showing a small amount of resistance, the pustule gave in squirting a stream of sticky, foul smelling goo over Castor's stained and sullied shirt.
"Ah, such excuisite pain."
The barman appeared at his side, "Hey, cut that out. About a Parrot is a family pub. There are children here."
"So there are. My apologies. I meant no...", he looks around as if to pick the word out of the air, "...harm."
The lights flicker briefly, then returned to full luminescence. Both Castor and the barman looked around quizically.
The barman places a drink and a newspaper down on the table in front of Castor, "You know, you don't look like a hot chocolate kind of guy."
"I like the colour, the clumpy bits of congealed brown goo and the burning sensation you get in your throat when it's fresh from the boil."
"Right." stretched out the Barman, "Whatever man."
Castor picks up the paper and starts reading the front page, "Central City epidemic. Thousands dead, millions ill. The unknown source is baffling scientists however they suspect the water supplies."
The barman nose catches some of the putrescent aroma emanating from Castor, then takes a step back. "Dude, you need a bath man." Then he returns to his post behind the bar.
Castor smiles, showing a rough array of disfigured and blackened teeth. "No thanks."
He reminices yesterday's events. Breaking through the electric fence, disabling the motion trackers, wading neck deep into the lake. He remembers the streams of yellows, browns and greens the running outwards from his body into the water. He also remembers looking out down from the mountain lake and noted how the waters ran down through increasing numbers of streams and rivers right into the heart of Central City.
Castor puts the newspaper down on the table, tapping it a couple of times with pride, "I've just had one."
Next Part
Starts Here
© Copyright 2010 Paul Phillips
Pining for the Fjords
Kevin follows Kara who was now stomping down the corridor at a marching pace.
"So you know where we are going?" asks Kevin.
"Dare I ask?"
"We are going to see a man; about a parrot."
"A parrot? What parrot?"
"No. 'About a Parrot'. It's a pub. Where people meet, have alcoholic drinks and talk."
"Yes. I know what a pub is. So, where is this 'About a Parrot'?" asks Kevin.
Kara stopped. Kevin noticed that there were two shapes on the floor in the darkness ahead of them.
Kara scrutinised the diagrams on her wrist, then said, 'Just under a thousand years ago in that direction.' She resumed her pace.
"What are they?" Kevin said pointing to the shapes on the floor, now only a few feet away.
The larger of the two shapes, turned out to be a large metal robot that was a poor approximation of a human in shape. It had a huge spherical head whose diameter was the same as it's disproportionate body below. Dulled silver platework covered all of the body apart from the black rubbery joints. It's short legs meant that it's arms stopped just short of the floor when it was standing. A black line ran around its head from which dropped two green triangular eyes. The whole ensemble represented a both the comedic yet the tragic in equal proportion. The robot was lying still, it's humongous head leaning against the corridor's wall.
Beside the tragic metellic figure sat what appeared to Kevin as a normal, every day, regular looking red toaster. Both objects were covered in a thick layer of dust.
"Other travellers. Best to leave them alone. C'mon," said Kara as she hopped sprightly over the robot's feet.
Kevin attempted the same manouvre, trips sligtly, then made a running recovery. They carry on down the corridor.
The two eyes of the robot flashed a couple of times then eventually blinked on.
A plume of dust blew out of the top of the toaster, "What? Where? Who wants toast?" it asks no one in particular.
"Typical," compained the robot sardonically.
"What's typical?"
"I have carried you for two hundred thousand years through these corridors. From the day I picked you up until the day my leg servos wore out and I, with the mind the size of a planet, an infinite list of topics to talk about and all you can do is talk about cooking breakfast meals."
"Are you sure I can't offer you a toasted bagel?"
"For the 263,345,642th time, I don't eat. Can't we talk about something else?" pleaded the robot.
"What else is there to talk about? To serve toasted bread, waffles, tea cakes, crumpets is my only, solitary, ultimate purpose in life," said the toaster.
© Copyright 2010 Paul Phillips
Those Displaced Quantums
"So basically you're saying time travel isn't simple?"
"The corridors are temporally fixed. They go from A to B from date and time 1 to date and time 2."
"So you don’t control them?"
"No, we just use them. When the tunnels were first discovered we came across some artefacts, devices, which were left behind."
"The builders didn’t tidy away their tools?"
"Something like that. One of the devices imprints a map, of sorts, onto the recipient’s wrist." Kara showed Kevin. What he saw looked like an intricate tattoo on her wrist, except everything was moving. Images and symbols constantly glowed, ebbed and flowed in and around each other.
"Does that mean anything to you? It looks like nonsense," he said.
Kara looked into the dancing read out on her wrist, "The device also allows your brain to interpret it all. A neural upgrade. It seems our brains wouldn’t be able to handle the complexities of all five dimensions otherwise."
"Five dimensions? I thought there were only three?"
"Time is the forth and quantum displacement is the fifth."
"Quanty who-what?"
"Quantum displacement. The multiple reality principal. Have you heard of the Butterfly Effect?"
"The theory goes that an infinitely small event such as the life of a butterfly can have a ripple effect that can change the outcome of significant events in history."
"Well, it was thought that the same applies to time travel. You know, you go back in time and kill your grandparents. But you wouldn’t exist to go back and kill your grandparents, so how could you? A paradox."
"That makes sense."
"Yes, but it's wrong. Every point in reality is fixed. Time travel by its literal interpretation is impossible. The past has happened. However, you can hop across to another reality which is running, I don’t know, a few hours, years behind ours and voila."
"So you’re saying that you can hop into other realities?"
"Not just me. You’re in one now. How else would you explain this corridor in relation to your own reality?"
"Holy cow."
© Copyright 2010 Paul Phillips
The Corridor
The door lead into a long grey, dimly lit corridor. Kevin couldn't even guess at its length as both ends just faded out of vision rather than the usual abrupt stopping you usually get with a wall. There were no other doors to be seen. Kara was marching off down the corridor. "Hurry up slow coach. The clocks-a-ticking," she called back.
A brief sprint and Kevin had caught up. The door, the only definable feature in the eerie passageway, was now fading away into the distance leaving nothing to see except Kara, two grey walls, a grey ceiling and a slightly darker grey floor.
"Where on Earth are we?" asked Kevin.
"Always with the assumptions. Remember what I said earlier? Think bigger."
Kevin thought about what she had said, "Not-"
"Go on," encouraged Kara.
"on-" continued Kevin.
"Nearly there."
"We have a winner."
Kevin lost his balance slightly and fell against one of the walls.
"Actually," continued Kara. "We’re technically not anywhere."
"Are you sure I’m not dead?", Kevin says feeling for a pulse in his wrist.
Kara pinched Kevin hard on the arm. He yelped and jumped a short distance.
"Quite sure. Some people call it the void, others call it the nothing, null-space, n-space or sub-space."
"What do you call it?"
"A corridor."
"That's not very sci-fi."
"They made the universe too big. It took too long to get from one end to the other. So, in their wisdom, they put in short-cuts."
"That's not very sci-fi."
"They made the universe too big. It took too long to get from one end to the other. So, in their wisdom, they put in short-cuts."
"The universe was built?"
"Yeah, we found that out a few millennia ago. Believe me, those evolutionist guys were not happy about it."
"I can imagine."
"These short-cuts, corridors, tunnels or whatever you want to call them have been lying around just below reality since the beginning. They take you from one point in space-time to another point in space-time."
"Like a wormhole?"
"Yes! Well, no. Not really. Most wormholes are just black-holes and will squash you flat. The Dododechrans found that out the hard way. A misinformed scientist had convinced the whole planet that their version of everlasting afterlife, heaven, Shangri La or whatever you call it was through a local ‘wormhole’. So they built ships, loaded the whole damn species on board and-" Kara smacked her fist into her hand. "Goodbye Dododechrans. Poor bastards."
"The ones that do actually take you somewhere," continued Kara, "are a fault, a snag in the universe. We think that they rushed things near the end."
"Did you say space-time? Time?"
"Yes. They go everywhere and every-when."
"Really? Travel through time? Go anywhere. At any point in time? Can we go-"
The End of The World
Kevin looks up to the hatch which was now closed shut. There were scorch marks around the edges accompanied by wisps of smoke. "What the hell happened?"
"You do swear a lot, don't you? It was a bomb. On the train."
"A bomb?"
"Yes. You know? Boom? Remember that woman with the baby?"
"She wasn't nursing it, she was priming it. I told you I was going to save your life."
"You mean everybody on the train-"
"What the he- what is that thing? And who are you?" asks Kevin, pointing in disbelief at Glove.
"Right. Yes. Of course. I am Kara and that is my dear friend Glove. He's from a species based entirely on polymorphing hydroplasm, quite facinating. And fortunately for us they are on our side."
"Our side?"
"Yes, the one that doesn't want the end of everything."
"Everything? You don't mean the train, they've done that one?"
"No. Think bigger."
"Are you telling me someone is trying to blow up the planet?"
"Nope, bigger."
"The solar system?"
Kara puts her hands together so they are almost touching, then in a gesture flings them apart, "Everything."
"I don't believe this. First of all, you can't destroy...everything. There's too much. It's everything, dammit. Besides, why would you want to? You'd have to kill yourself in the process - not much of a unique selling point."
"They want to rule everything, everywhere. However there are too many things that can currently stop them. So they want to destroy it all and then pick up the pieces on the other side."
"But everything would be dead."
"They won't. They've discovered a way of avoiding the apocalypse. We don't know how yet."
"Ah, yes. But. Even if they did, could, whatever - they would be ruling over nothing. It's still absurd."
"Yes, to start with. But suppose you are sat in a big empty universe with all of the genetic building blocks, all of the power and materials and all of the time to spend?"
"No. Yes. No. Are you talking about genesis all over again?"
"Yes, re-genesis. But with the bad guys completely and utterly in charge and with nothing to threaten them. So, you can see why they are keen?"
"Wonderful. You rescue me from the clutches of death to tell me we're all going to die."
"We aren't going to die."
"We're not? But you just said- Why not?"
"Because you are going to save us." Kara smiles at Kevin then pushes a stack of boxes away from a wall to reveal a door which she opens. "We need to go. They'll be looking for us." She walks through.
"What" asks Kevin hooking a thumb in Glove's direction.
"He'll make his own way once he's pulled himself together," comes Kara's voice from the other side of the doorway, 'C'mon'.
Kevin waves feebly at glove and then follows Kara.
"Yo," says Glove, hand still flopping around.
Next Part
Starts Here
© Copyright 2010 Paul Phillips
"You do swear a lot, don't you? It was a bomb. On the train."
"A bomb?"
"Yes. You know? Boom? Remember that woman with the baby?"
"She wasn't nursing it, she was priming it. I told you I was going to save your life."
"You mean everybody on the train-"
"What the he- what is that thing? And who are you?" asks Kevin, pointing in disbelief at Glove.
"Right. Yes. Of course. I am Kara and that is my dear friend Glove. He's from a species based entirely on polymorphing hydroplasm, quite facinating. And fortunately for us they are on our side."
"Our side?"
"Yes, the one that doesn't want the end of everything."
"Everything? You don't mean the train, they've done that one?"
"No. Think bigger."
"Are you telling me someone is trying to blow up the planet?"
"Nope, bigger."
"The solar system?"
Kara puts her hands together so they are almost touching, then in a gesture flings them apart, "Everything."
"I don't believe this. First of all, you can't destroy...everything. There's too much. It's everything, dammit. Besides, why would you want to? You'd have to kill yourself in the process - not much of a unique selling point."
"They want to rule everything, everywhere. However there are too many things that can currently stop them. So they want to destroy it all and then pick up the pieces on the other side."
"But everything would be dead."
"They won't. They've discovered a way of avoiding the apocalypse. We don't know how yet."
"Ah, yes. But. Even if they did, could, whatever - they would be ruling over nothing. It's still absurd."
"Yes, to start with. But suppose you are sat in a big empty universe with all of the genetic building blocks, all of the power and materials and all of the time to spend?"
"No. Yes. No. Are you talking about genesis all over again?"
"Yes, re-genesis. But with the bad guys completely and utterly in charge and with nothing to threaten them. So, you can see why they are keen?"
"Wonderful. You rescue me from the clutches of death to tell me we're all going to die."
"We aren't going to die."
"We're not? But you just said- Why not?"
"Because you are going to save us." Kara smiles at Kevin then pushes a stack of boxes away from a wall to reveal a door which she opens. "We need to go. They'll be looking for us." She walks through.
"What" asks Kevin hooking a thumb in Glove's direction.
"He'll make his own way once he's pulled himself together," comes Kara's voice from the other side of the doorway, 'C'mon'.
Kevin waves feebly at glove and then follows Kara.
"Yo," says Glove, hand still flopping around.
Next Part
Starts Here
© Copyright 2010 Paul Phillips
It Has To Start Somewhere
If fate had anything to do with it, the man would have been given a name of legend. It would have been so powerful, it would have shook the very foundations of society at its mere mention. If it was written down, all of the letters would rearrange themselves of their own accord into a highly decorative font; in bold. Underlined.
However, fate had something else on its mind at the time he was being named. He ended up being called ‘Kevin’. Kevin always knew deep down that he had been robbed of something fantastic, but he could never quite put his finger on what that was.
He watched the landscape sauntering by from a window seat as the train sliced inelegantly through the countryside at a hundred miles an hour. It struck Kevin that the closer landscape was definitely more in a hurry to pass by than that of the landscape in the distance, which in comparison was positively lethargic.
Kevin looked around the carriage. A young lady adorning a pair of headphones sat nearest the door at the far end staring out of her window. Further along in the four seats around a table sat a party of Japanese businessmen. Several ridiculously small laptop computers, a printer and what looked like a miniature satellite dish sat amongst a weave of wires that ran all over the table, provided them with a source of constant argument. Nearest sat a lady who was nursing her young child.
The door on the far side of the carriage slid open revealing a plus, bordering on multiplied-by, sized lady. She was carrying several items of large, awkwardly shaped hand luggage.
"Excuse me," she said as she clobbered the young female music enthusiast on the back of the head. "Coming through," she added gaily as she surged forward.
"Excuse me," she said as she clobbered the young female music enthusiast on the back of the head. "Coming through," she added gaily as she surged forward.
"I do beg your pardon," said the woman as she knocked over a drink on the Japanese businessmen’s table, sending sparks and plumes of smoke into the air. The four men jumped up and started trying to salvage what little they could of their destroyed mini network. A ticket inspector had now appeared behind the large lady and the businessmen turned their torrent of angry Japanese banter in his direction.
During the commotion, the lady stumbled and fell into Kevin’s lap. Kevin was surprised as to how little she actually weighed. She looked him right in the eye, grabbed his arm tightly and said in a deadly, level and serious voice, "Your life is in danger. If you want to live, count to ten then follow me." She then steadied herself, brushed herself down and entered the toilet cubicle just behind Kevin’s seat. He was actually amazed that she was able to fit into such a small space, however the door successfully slid shut behind her.
Kevin started counting - partly as an indicator as to when he should follow the woman and partly to decide whether he should actually buy into what could only be described as a poor practical joke. By the count of six, he had come to the conclusion that she had only asked him to meet her in the toilets. If this had come from a more attractive female, he might have fantasised about it being a prelude to a mating ritual. However, given that this proposition came with the hint of a death threat, it was a completely different kettle of piranha. The number nine came and went.
Number ten arrived with the conclusion that was a combination of ‘why the hell not’ and mild curiosity to see if they would both fit into the tiny room.
Kevin got up and walked to the toilet. He knocked on the door twice. No answer. He tried the handle and found it was unlocked. The cubicle was empty. Kevin looked back into the carriage. The four businessmen and ticket inspector were now heading forward, all of their eyes locked on him and carrying what looked like long knives. Kevin could just make out that the girl with the headphones was hastily trying to screw a silencer onto what looked like the end of a pistol. Kevin quickly jumped into the small room, slid the door shut and locked it.
He found that he had to hold onto the tiny sink as one of his feet was no longer making contact with anything beneath. Everything in the room appeared normal. Toilet, check. Sink, check. Then he peered down. There was an open hatch in the floor. Kevin's common sense reminded him that he should have been looking at the train tracks flying by at a blurry speed. However, all of his other senses told him otherwise. An impossible twenty foot ladder was leading down into an equally impossible room full of boxes and crates. He could still feel the sway of the train as it took gentle corners at high speed. The light flickered as trees and other unidentifiable structures swam across the frosted glass window
"Get down here now," demanded, with overtones of urgency, a female voice from the room below. There was now a banging and scraping from the other side of the door.
"Get down here now," demanded, with overtones of urgency, a female voice from the room below. There was now a banging and scraping from the other side of the door.
He made his way down the ladder, carefully as his legs had now turned to jelly. He looked up to see a two foot knife slice through the door and into the space he occupied moments earlier. As he reached the bottom rung the hatch slowly slid shut, shearing through the ladders which clattered to the floor. The room shook, lights blinked and dust rose from the floor.
"What the hell is going on? Where am I? Where are you?' Kevin asked loudly.
"What the hell is going on? Where am I? Where are you?' Kevin asked loudly.
"I’ll be out in a minute," said the woman’s voice from behind some of the crates. "I’m just changing."
Given what had transpired over the last ten minutes of his life, Kevin acknowledged that a change of clothes was the last thing on his mind. Then, considering where he was and how he got there, darker thoughts entered into his head.
"What into?" he asked with an air of uncertainty, not really sure he wanted to know the answer.
"What into?" he asked with an air of uncertainty, not really sure he wanted to know the answer.
A young, smartly dressed, slender woman walked out from behind the crates.
"That’s better," she said making final adjustments to her clothing. "Sorry about that, I had to use a disguise." She jerked a thumb to where she had just come from.
A large, amorphous blob of skin coloured flesh sat quivering in the corner. It looked like a person who had had all of their insides sucked out. One of the flabby arms took out a lit cigar from somewhere and put it in its deflated head, inhaled and blew out a steady flow of smoke.
Noticing it was now being stared at it said, "What?" in a deep baritone and held up both arms from either sides of its body mass.
"That’s better," she said making final adjustments to her clothing. "Sorry about that, I had to use a disguise." She jerked a thumb to where she had just come from.
A large, amorphous blob of skin coloured flesh sat quivering in the corner. It looked like a person who had had all of their insides sucked out. One of the flabby arms took out a lit cigar from somewhere and put it in its deflated head, inhaled and blew out a steady flow of smoke.
Noticing it was now being stared at it said, "What?" in a deep baritone and held up both arms from either sides of its body mass.
"What the hell is that?" Kevin asked the woman.
"That was my disguise," replied the young woman, "Meet Glove."
Kevin simply blinked, then turned back to the disfigured, amorphous pinkish blob. It now resembled an inside out rubber mask; only this was the whole body. Kevin just pointed, open mouthed, at the living shape, not quite believing what he was looking at.
© Copyright 2010 Paul Phillips
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